Installing Python packages (Pandas) in AWS Lambda

Installing Python packages (Pandas) in AWS Lambda


2 min read

Ill be showing you a method of importing any package you need for your Lambda function. I’ll be using Pandas as an example, but the same method can be used for other packages.

Step 1:

  • Search for Cloud9 in the AWS Services

  • Click ‘Create Environment’

  • Give your environment a name and click next step

  • Keep the environment default settings and click next step

  • Click ‘Create Environment’ and you’re ready to go

Step 2:

We'll be setting up the panda lambda layer.

  • Type the following code line by line into the terminal at the bottom. The pip install pandas command can be replaced with a package of your choosing. You can also install more than 1 package\.*
mkdir folder
cd folder
virtualenv v-env
source ./v-env/bin/activate
pip install pandas

if the virtualenv v-env fails for you, then you need to If you're encountering a "command not found" error when trying to run virtualenv v-env, it's likely because the virtualenv package is not installed in your system globally or not accessible from the current environment.

You can try installing virtualenv using pip:

pip install virtualenv

After installing virtualenv, you can retry the command:

virtualenv v-env

Once you have installed panda and ran the deactivate command, Then type the following code line by line to create your layer.

mkdir python
cd python
cp -r /home/ec2-user/environment/folder/v-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/* .
cd ..
zip -r python
aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name pandas --zip-file fileb:// --compatible-runtimes python3.12

Step 3:

Now we add the pandas layer to our desired function

  • Go to the AWS Lambda service and click ‘Create Function’

  • Name your function, set the runtime to ‘Python 3.12’, and click ‘Create Function’

  • Click on ‘Layers’ in the function designer, then click ‘add a layer’

  • On the name dropdown, you should see your Pandas layer. Click ‘Add’.

There you go!